
Tuesday, 19 September 2006 11:01

TV: Australian Drift Racing

Last year I only had on lesson last period but now I have 3. On the plus side I only have two lessons today (tuesday) so I spend a total of 2 and a half hours in school and on thursday I don't have to come into school until 11:30 cos thats when my first lesson is. So that makes up for it. This year I have been biking every day so I have been able to come and go in my own time when I want to instead of waiting for the bus but now 6th formers are not allowed to get onto the bus early so I will want to find out what is going on before winter, or I could just use my old bus pass.

Over the weekend my computer got a bug and it screwed it and because really unusable so I have reinstalled Windows XP home SP2 onto it and now I have to reinstall any program that I want to use before it will work. I have a odd bug now where D:\ is now the boot drive for some reason but it still works fine so I'm not going to bother to fix it. I also broke linux when I tried to upgrade it from Kubuntu 5.10 to Kubuntu 6.06 and then it broke so I will have to reinstall that in the 5GB space of nothing-ness on my hard drive it I want to muck around with linux again.