The Big Picture
Friday, 19 January 2007 23:29
Music: Pendulum - Hold you colour
Mood: Happy
As I sit here on my bed I am smiling because I am happy. The reason for this happiness is that I have had my best friend round for the past 4 hours where we watched Black Lagoon and talked about all sorts of things, things that are not to be talked about to others in this world. I have found myself stressed at the thought of doing ICT coursework because like always I have no idea what I am meant to be doing and the guides don't provide the answers to my questions. I have to hand the coursework in the first day I get back so I have a few days to work on it but I have done no work and don't really know what to do. I am much better and sitting down and just working on the project as I can see it evolve. I can't see the big picture on projects but when I am working on them I get to see all the little pieces that make it. It is possible that I can see the big picture but I'm unable to see the little parts and this is why I get frustrated.