The End Is Very Fucking Nigh
Thursday, 3 May 2007 21:33
Music: Midlake - Roscoe (Beyound the wizard's sleeve remix)
Mood: Nobody knows
The past few days I have fallen into apathy again like I have done in the past, letting others take the wheel and steer my life. I do not know if this is because I do not care about school anymore and just want it to end or it could be the lack of sleep for the week. Everything has blurred together this term so I am not to sure if something happen today or 3 weeks ago but, one thing I can remember is saying "It's Monday again" to Mr Beadle on the school gates since this is the definition of the beginning of the week for me.
There are very important things that I am going through but my mind is not always there to witness. I have less than 3 weeks until my first exam but I am not feeling any pressure on me to study, instead I waste my time doing nothing on the internet or working on my computers. I do make progress on my computers but that this time in my life they should not come into it. They should merely be a tool to be used for study and not a toy to further my skills, that can be done in July when I've finished my exams and left school.
There is very little time left at school and everyone is becoming an adult who will soon have to go out into the scary world for work and leave behind the safety of school that they have known all their life's. At school all we are doing is going through that could come up in our exams and past papers until we die of boredom and stop turning up to lesson. In General Studies there were only 5 yesterday and today it was only I. I could have gone home but I spent my time talking to my teacher about university and what I was going to do with my life once school was no longer part of it.