New Wheels
Thursday, 25 October 2007 16:06
Music: LCD Soundsystem
Today's post is going to be far less dramatic than the last. That by the way I calmed down after a day or so and we are still friends. On the Kustom PCs forums fights seem to have broken out between members, it's like watching little kids fight in the playground. Kinda pathetic with no real hits. Between members fighting, an annoying spammer kid and the general lack of threads that interest me I've been thinking of leaving the forum. Jacob made a joke about reaching his 4000th post and leaving but he's still here. I could do that on my 5000th post but really leave instead of joking about it.
Yesterday I got some new tyres and inner tubes for my bike so I should go and take a picture of it. It's been needing new tyres for a while now. Just need to go out and ride it now but the weather has been pretty crap recently. I might go and build a new computer to use as a cluster node. I'll just take a picture of my bike and put it up first.