Hanging With Dil
Wednesday, 13 January 2010 10:35
Music: Slipknot - Iowa
Since about April last year my anxeity has been getting a lot better and has allowed me to do things that I wouldn't of done before. Simple things that probably everyone else takes as granted. On Monday I did one of these things. I hung out with Dil and had a drink or two with him and later on we also had Pizza. Sounds like nothing but I've only just been able to do this with my best friends. I did have an anxiety attack at the dinner table but it passed quickly instead of building and building until I had to bail.
I'd like to thank my friends for being supportive and understanding as without they have helped my greatly just by being there for me when I need it and for leaving be alone when I need to be. If someone has an anxiety attack they sometimes want to be left alone and be quiet so they can sort the shit out in their head. I think I might have also worked out the cause of my anxiety, or at least one of them, but that's not something I'm gonna share with the web.