Many Meals
Sunday, 22 November 2015 18:52
This week I’ve had a few meals that stand out from the rest because of where I had them and who with. Normally I have sandwiches for lunch and dinner with home but this week was different. On Monday I had a pub lunch with my boss and a client about 110 miles (177 km) away from home and that was my whole working day. The day was taken up by driving to the meeting, having it and then driving back home. I know it’s work but it felt like a treat to me and I got to see what my boss does when he’s out of the office.
When I have lunch at work I just sit on the softa and watch cartoons (Dragon Ball Z Abridged) or play chess with someone. On Wednesday I had another long meeting and wanted to get out of the office afterwards but my car was parked. I ended up borrowing a coworker’s car which was interesting to drive. It had no power and the ABS would sometimes go off when you braked, even if you were gentle. I had burgers and chips on the seafront which was a bit of a mistake because Hurricane Barney was still blowing about. I ended up taking longer for lunch than I was meant to because of the drive and having to wait for my questionable burger. I think I got away with it because I was in work an hour early for the meeting.
That evening I had dinner and drinks round my friend’s house. I always like eating round his because I have something I wouldn’t normally have and I help cook it. At home my parents cook or it’s just things that you heat up like chips or baked beans. With my friend I prepare the ingredients and cook them under his supervision which I enjoy doing. The main reason I don’t cook at home is because my parents will do it for me and I’m lazy.
Friday night I went round my Grandad’s for dinner with him and my aunty. I get a nice meal and she gets a lift home afterwards because my Grandad can’t drive in the dark. We eat at the table and talk to each other which isn’t something I do at home. I’m either in my room or watching a video whilst eating dinner. Afterwards I drove my aunty home in my Grandad’s car because I took the motorbike to work. It was a cold evening but I don’t have to ride too far home. Today Grandad came over and we had a nice Sunday roast around the table. Without him we’d of had it in the evening in front of the tv.
So these are the meals that stand out and the reasons why they stand out for me. It might sound like a kid’s essay but I don’t care. I had several good meals with good people except the seafront which was a fun lunchtime adventure.